Friday, June 17, 2011

i should probably update this

things have happened since my last post. like i moved home and finished my freshman year at gustavus. yeah, it's weird, but it's nice too. i just need to get a job. i have applied more than 30 places and apparently everyone hates me so i'm not getting hired. oh well. the dollar tree is my last resort because rae says they're still hiring and they pretty much hired her on the spot.
anyway. i have spent the last couple hours watching nerimon's vlogs on youtube and have decided that it would be fun to start vlogging except that I SUCK AT IT. i suck at talking to a camera and seeming candid and being all delightful and fun to listen to. i am kind of charming in real life and on paper, but for some reason i get all nervous when i think i'm being taped. tips to get over that…..
and that's my life for now.
gotta go hug my cat or something

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