Thursday, March 24, 2011


so i've decided what i want to do with my life. well, at least my college career. i am going to be an english major (duh) and an art minor (or major if i find the time). i am absolutely in love with photography, and i want to get better at it. i want to actually take badass film pictures instead of pointing and shooting at something pretty. yes, i love my awesome digital camera, but it's pretty self explanatory. i want to learn about lighting and shutter speeds and such. i want to be good!
so excited!
so there are only two photo classes her at gustavus. there's a film on and a digital one. the digital one would be awesome, because then i could take it and not have to buy a new camera since i already have a digital one. but it's also from 1:30 to 4:20, which doesn't exactly float my boat. i would like to be done with classes earlier than that. but hey, if it comes down to that or buying a new camera for the film class, i'll probably sacrifice some of my day 2 days a week. not a big deal.
i'm excited about this. i've always wanted to become an art major, but i never thought i was good enough. i can paint and draw and such, but i'm not drop dead amazing. it's fun, but i'm not satisfied with most of the stuff i do. but with photography, i can get better and better and i'm actually pretty decent now, so it wouldn't be such a struggle to learn more about it.
that is my thought process.
also, i am loving swing club. we learned blues dancing last night (like norml swing dancing but super close and slow) and it was so much fun. awkward, but fun. it's so much easier to follow what your partner's doing if you're closer, but that also opens up the awkward moments box. but i learned a lot and can now dance swing dancing to a slow song! score.
spring break is tomorrow. i could not be more excited.

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