Monday, March 21, 2011

a better monday than usual

well i woke up late today. like, really late. like, 10 minutes before i had to leave for class. but i made it. go me.
my orchestra director had his second child on friday, so we don't have orchestra tonight. score! he sent us pictures via e-mail and his kid is super cute. i'm jealous. i want a kid to dress up and walk around and hold hands with and then drop them off when they poop.
i have lots of things to do this week. midterms are great, ya know. i have a project for my lit class that i really need to get crackin on. and i have an essay due on friday. and a midterm on friday. and then it's home! i'm so excited. i haven't been home since january. i miss my cat and my bed and everything. i can't remember if i wrote about this last time i wrote a blog, but too bad. i wanna go home. i love school and everything, but home is delightful and i want to see my friends and just chill.

pball was on saturday. i have missed school dances so much! i love getting dressed up and dancing around, especially to oldies music. i had a lot of fun with meh friend beka and my sister. my cousin melissa also came to pball with us. i miss her! it was really fun to have her, my aunt and uncle and my grandma. they almost never come to minnesota! i showed them my room and the campus. so much fuuuuun.
anyway, that is good for now i suppose. i don't anticipate anything really exciting between now and the end of the day. but if it does, i will let you know!

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