Thursday, March 10, 2011

for starters

my name is laura. i am a freshman in college.
fantastic, isn't it?
now i know not many people (if any) will actually sit down and read this thing, but i'm putting it out there. not necessarily for the public eye, but for me.
i wrote in a journal at least every week at the beginning of the school year, and it was really interesting to look back on. i was going through a hard time with the whole "adjusting to life without your parents and cushy bed and cat" thing, and so i thought it would be cool to write down my thoughts and look back on them and see how far i've come. well i did, and it was really cool. except i stopped writing once i felt better. which has been this whole j-term and first semester.
i need to get caught up.

my life is good. i would say my best friend here is mariecus. she and i watch bones a lot and talk and eat dinner together. she might transfer next year (she's leaning on staying here though) so that bums me out a little. i got over it once i decided to room with elizabeth.
elizabeth is a dazzling person. she's short, blonde and super energetic. she reminds me a little of my high school bestie hailey. she didn't have a person to live with sophomore year either (since i was planning on rooming with mariecus but she wouldn't make up her mind about the school she wanted to attend) so i offered my awesome roommate services. yay!
we're planning on living in sorensen next year, which is one of the main sophomore dorms. i'm super excited.
mallory, my current roommate, is bugging the hell out of me.
but that's just because i haven't had a break in a while. i'm just going a little stir crazy and all her stupid ways are starting to dawn on me again like they did before the last break.
she's really insensitive, and criticizes me when i get offended at something. something like her eating a clementine and me not wanting her to and her getting mad because i wouldn't let her eat one. she also needs to get over herself. she's all upset because not a lot of people in the section like her. but that's mainly because SHE'S NEVER HERE. she complains that no one wants to hang out with her, but she also never makes herself available. if she stayed here once in a while, she would most definitely get invited to dinner or a hockey game or something.
i need to stop ranting and go read my book.
so excited.
talk to you sometime next week,
laura badorara

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